This paper expounds the regulations of the influence of the moisture, crystallizing mode of weld joint, droplet transfer, nonmetallic inclusion and other factors in the welding agent of Chrome-Nickel Austenic stainless steel welding rod. 文章阐述了铬镍奥氏体不锈钢焊接焊条药皮中水分含量、焊缝的结晶模式、熔滴过渡、非金属夹杂因素对焊缝中气孔的影响规律。
Therefore the physical properties such as melting point, viscosity, crystallizing properties and surface tensional force of mould powder containing flux agent B 2O 3 were studied. 为此试验研究了含助熔剂B2O3保护渣及其熔点、粘度、结晶性能和表面张力等物理性能。
The droplet size and distribution of dispersion phase for emulsion explosives matrix were tested by laser particle analyzer. The effect of the crystallizing temperature of water-phase, the stirring speed, and the contents of emulsifying agent on the droplet size and distribution of emulsion explosives were studied. 利用激光粒度分析仪测试了乳化炸药基质粒子大小与分布,研究了乳化炸药水相析晶温度、搅拌速度、乳化剂含量对粒子大小及分布的影响。